SCAD tech was named a winner of the bidding for the lot № 0001-205-К- Y02-00786-2019 «38-TSIB/TPR/3-02.2019 Unified Dispatch Control System. Technical re-equipping (on a turnkey basis).
The project owner is Transneft Siberia, JSC, the largest subsidiary of Public Joint Stock Company «Transneft». 

Transneft Siberia services 27 oil trunk pipelines having the total length of 9.5 thousand kilometers. The company operates 85 oil pumping stations and 190 oil storage tanks, with a total capacity of more than 3.3 million m3.

A new Unified Dispatch Control System on WinCC OA platform allow managing main oil pipelines in the quickest and safest possible way. The project provides for the modernization of control rooms, rest rooms and meal rooms. Communication and fire safety systems, ventilation and water supply systems will be updated.

The project is planned to be completed in 2021.

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